
For sex workers and niche content creators who are interested in refining and growing their businesses, I run SWRolodex.com, a microgig website that connects you to hand-vetted professional freelancers and resources. Search for a pre-made job offering that suits your business’ needs or find inspiration for a custom gig! Our freelance talent ranges from graphic designers to virtual assistants, booking services to life coaches, and are familiar with the unique concerns and challenges faced by people in the sex work and adult entertainment industries. The site offers secure communication to discuss the work at hand and payment processing that makes sure all parties get paid for work completed. Sex worker-owned and operated since 2021.

SWRolodex.com has been a boot-strapped effort to ensure sex workers have access to the same professional resources as any other type of entrepreneur or sole proprietorship in any other industry. It currently operates and a sole proprietorship, and I am in the early stages of exploring investors for an initial seed round. If you are interested in the work and mission of SWRolodex.com and would like to have a conversation of what the next 5 years could hold, please reach out to hello@swrolodex.com. Similarly, we are open to beginning relationships with advertisers and sponsors who would like to work with and support the site and its community in mutually beneficial ways. I look forward to hearing from you.