BRB, gone adventuring
Just a lil pic dump from my two weekends out to ren faires in 2024! I always wish it could be more time or longer stays… returning home to the “normal” world is always such a drag! But I’m always thankful to have that time spent in a little pocket of reality.

First first weekend out, a Saturday spent at the Oregon Renaissance Faire. I didn’t capture much at this event, but the outfit for the fantasy-themed weekend was certainly on point! Elf ears + horns = Dryad vibes, no?
Weekend 2 was a much calmer pace on the first Sunday at Canterbury Renaissance Faire. The pointed ears saw a return, this time with fairy wings. Overal my little ren faire kit is certainly locked in!

There was plenty to see, and eat, and drink(!) at both events. I always try to get at least one horn of mead! But my drinking horn can be (and has been!) also used for something as magical as lavender-infused sparkly iced coffee or as basic as water. Turkey legs are a classic but can I recommend the lamb & rosemary meat pie as well? Perhaps a scotch egg?

There’s always quite a cornucopia of animals around at ren faires… I’ve seen circuses performed by cats and rats, raptor sanctuaries providing education on raptors like hawks, owls, and vultures, and of course the noble steads for the knights in the jousts! But if you keep a keen eye out you’ll spot lots of other little fantastic beasties tucked away in their nooks, hiding among the trinkets. And while I always have my eye out for more trinkets to add to my trinket collection, sometimes a passerby will extend their hand with a tiny trinket as a gift of admiration! I’ve started integrating these trinkets in my outfit, so that my kit reflects the adventures of ren faires past.

See you all back at the faire next year!